Monday, June 18, 2018


You said, ‘God is cruel’ the way a person who’s lived his whole life in Tahiti might say ‘Snow is cold.’ You know, but you don’t understand. Do you know how cruel your God can be, David. How fantastically cruel?

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Xрущев поднял туфлю и уже хотел ударить по кафедре но увидел засохшее говно на подметке. Наверно я где-то влез в говно по самую щиколотку догадался Хрущев. Но все-таки он шваркнул туфлей и погрозил, - мы вам покажем кузькину мать, капиталистические бляди!

Khrushchev raised his shoe and already wanted to hit on the Chair but saw dried shit on the sole. I have somewhere stepped into a shit up to the ankles, guessed Khrushchev. But still, he has hit the Chair with the shoe and exclaimed:- We'll show you Kuzkin's mother, capitalist sluts!